Strategic Mistakes, let's talk how companies make BIG mistakes look great.

Published on 14 March 2024 at 11:33

This week, we can't ignore the issue that sometimes things go wrong online. From time to time, content slips through the net *not mentioning any names, though I think we can all agree this is one royal mistake*, and can create a few problems for the poster, and maybe even a little bit of scandal.

Most companies have rigorous process behind posting. A simple brand campaign consisting of 5 posts has taken months to plan, photograph, and approve. Everything is strategically plotted to maximise success, and tens of eyes would have to click approve before that photo reaches your screen.

This is why we don't see mistakes often. If the content passes through multiple hands, and still has a spelling mistake, a graphic misplaced or sentence mis-worded, we can assume that potentially the company needs a stern end of year review for those poor employees who's quick glance wasn't effective. 

But sometimes, these problems are put out on purpose.

From time-to-time, when engagement gets a little low, and popularity dies down, it isn't unusual to see companies kick up some sort of 'mistake' online. 

This tactic has derived through years of proven success to get people talking, actively used by influencers long before large corporations caught on. Apology videos and memes paved the way for conspiracies and trolling, at the end of the day, 'no publicity is bad publicity', though we aren't so sure about that.

Recently the royals photo, featuring Kate and her adoring children in a beautiful garden setting, was torn apart online. Users quickly caught on to mismatched limbs, strange poses and something just not right. Editors quickly found similarities in Kates image to other photos, and conspired that her previous Vogue cover headshot had been edited onto the image, and so a wildfire started, across every platform, and the world.

Theories began emerging about where she possibly could be. Users began to realise she hadn't been seen since early December, and her time of rest after an undescribed surgery, should surely now be up? So where is Kate, the world was asking.

Then, rather excitingly, a statement was released by Kate (formally known Catherine). Following a demand to kill the photo across all media outlets, Catherine releases a statement to Instagram, claiming as a keen amateur photographer, she had simply made a mistake in editing the image, and apologised. 

Well, that was  not taken well.

Needless to say this explanation has not been received easily by the British public, and more theories of her where abouts have exploded online, arguably only getting worse.

So I know what you're thinking, get to the point. Well, the point is, what if this was intentional?

What if the social team behind Kensington Palace identified a dying love for the Royal Family. It is no secret that younger generations care less for the ancient establishment, and what if the  marketing team saw an opportunity to get younger generations talking about the family, and spark a genuine interest?

It is definitely food for thought, and it will be extremely interesting to watch this play out over the next week, and see first hand how the marketing team cope with the ever expanding online theories and desire to put the rumour to rest.

Has it gone too far? Has it caused more damage than good for the Royal Family?

We can't wait to find out.

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